Salumificio Mottolini opens its doors to the Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori ASSICA

At the beginning of 2024, the activities of the Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori ASSICA, which now counts more than 50 members with an average age of 32 years, restarted at full speed.
Thanks to the proactivity of President Lorenzo Mottolini, the Group's initiatives have therefore officially restarted, in full agreement and coherence with the Association's programmatic vision.
Among these activities was a visit to some of the Group's companies, starting with the Salumificio Mottolini. The initiative, organised together with Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori of Federalimentare (GIF) and dedicated to an in-depth look at the entrepreneurial realities of Valtellina, involved around 30 participants.
This is the comment of ASSICA President Lorenzo Mottolini on the period and the Group's goals:
‘The Covid-related stop forced us to reflect. We started from there to set the Group's new strategic line. For us, it is more important than ever to offer opportunities for meetings, training and industry culture by combining educational aspects and interaction between members. Making content is the number one goal of the Youth Group and we want all members to recognise the pleasure and importance of sharing and learning in a context that is beneficial from all points of view.
We are seeing how this formula succeeds in producing a positive response and this encourages us to continue in the vein of the initiatives already undertaken, broadening the scope of activities. Training, meeting and dialogue with key stakeholders for the sector remain at the centre. Company visits, masterclasses and workshops with wide-ranging partners will still be protagonists’.
Discover the in-depth analysis on the ASSICA portal.


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